I have been competitively powerlifting for over 20 years. Within that time I have competed raw, single ply and multi ply. I hold the highest all time total of 1930 at 148, the third highest total of 2045 at 165 and have broken over 35 world records, over 25 of which I still hold. Through the years in this sport I have learned a great deal from various training methods, met and formed long lasting friends, as well as learned the importance of balancing life, work, and training.
Elitefts accepted me as a team member over ten years ago and I am currently the longest standing still competing powerlifter on the site. I appreciate Dave Tate and Elitefts for giving me the opportunity to learn from and teach others through the Q&A and my training log.
In 2005 I opened Orlando Barbell – a 24 hour powerlifting friendly gym. As well as running Orlando Barbell I designed and sell the Home GHR , the The OBB Power Handles and the Doorway Home Gym, wrote the 12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench EBook, and produced the 12Weeks to a Bigger Bench DVD.
My latest contribution was writing the M2 Method EBook, designed to be the quintessential Raw Powerlifting training manual for beginners to advanced lifters looking to get stronger and prevent injury while incorporating the powerlifts.
4 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals.
A couple laps around the building for a warm up:
PVC rolled on:
Lower back, shifted to right and left
Upper back, shifted to right and left scapula w/hips up
Shoulder dislocations w/broomstick x12x3
1 leg band hip stretch x30 secs x3/leg
Squats w/Mastodon-
w/single ply Metal M briefs-
w/single ply Metal M suit, straps down-
w/Metal all black knee wraps-
Straps up-
Planned Opener-
630, good
[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W0AHhqGnBA]
Both Jeff and Neal hit solid openers and continue to be right on track. We had planned to do our 2nd attempts with reverse mini bands and our 3rd with reverse light, but unfortunately it was Cinco de Mayo as well as the end of the school semester, so the regulars who could spot us weren’t around. Thank you to Rich, Ronnie and Mike for sticking around to help.
So, my meet prep keeps getting better and better (heavy sarcasm here). I’ve had an upper respiratory infection for the last couple of weeks but tried not to take antibiotics since I think the destruction of my gut flora from too much antibiotic use through the years may have contributed to my Ulcerative Colitis. Now that I’m taking Humira and have opted for Dexamethasone over prednisone for my random swelling (due to it being less likely to cause negative tendon issues) my white blood cell count is way down making me susceptible to all kinds of illness including (yep, you guessed it) pink eye. For the first time in my 41 years I got pink/poop eye. Since my eye capillaries were weakened that, combined with my squat opener, made me literally bleed out of my eye. Thankfully Dr. Jeff called in a Z-pack for me and his wife, Shellie, was kind enough to bring some antibiotic ointment to me as well. I’m feeling better, but it seems I have one strike after another against me for this meet. Either way, I plan to finish what I started.
The M2 Equipped Training Ebook
The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook
The Affordable and Effective Floor Based Home GHR
Buy your own Doorway Home Gym and never miss out on your accessory work again