Along with my weight lifting I embarked upon training for a 5k. This was something I just felt like I had to do. Years ago at my heaviest when I decided I had to get in better condition I figured I'd just start to walk. Well, my block is pretty flat and only about half a mile. I was around a quarter way in and I had to stop. I was terribly out of breath and my back was in agony. I actually wanted to ask my wife to just get the car. Long story short, I endured and made it, but it's certainly nothing to be proud of. So being in just enough condition to run a steady 5k was something I wanted to do.

Luckily the internet made training for this feat very easy. I downloaded the couch to 5k app and was very impressed with it. The program laid out each session very clearly and everything happened as it was supposed to. I completed eight weeks of training and all that was left was the ninth week which was the actual run.

When that time came I decided to actually just run the 5k on my treadmill. I kept looking for races prior to that and then I wondered why. What would be the benefit? The only thing I found was that I would have probably had a better time. So what? My goal was not a time, it was just to complete it. Additionally, the treadmill is so much more forgiving on the body. Once I thought about it for a bit, the decision was easy.

Now, I did not set the world ablaze. I kept the treadmill at a steady 4.1 mph the entire time. For me the pace was just over a brisk walk which was recommended for someone who does not run regularly. It was pretty cool. The first mile was kind of tough, then the second got easier, and then I felt like I could have just kept running for hours. So I finished in 45:37, goal accomplished.

So here are my thoughts on running. First, I'm glad I can do it, but I won't keep it as part of my regular program. Maybe I'll do some distance every once in a while just to see if I can maintain some level of that fitness. The reason I am not a huge fan is because it does not yield the effect on the body that I'd like.

For the amount of time I had put in, I think hiit would yield better results on my body. This was no surprise. The obvious thing to say is, look at a sprinter's body versus a runner's body. Anyway, I knew what I was doing and am glad I accomplished my goal. It was a far cry from when I could barely walk around the block.

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