"I am on a never-ending journey to become more today than yesterday, every day.

I will always find ways to overcome any obstacle that challenges me.

I will not condone fear. It is self-created and I can remove it.

I will lead and inspire others to live more fully daily.

There is always a way, and I will make it so."

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

Row: 18 minutes steady

Dynamic OHP: 10x3

DB Lateral Raise: 2x10;1x15;1x20

DB Front Raise: 2x10;1x15;1x20

Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x36-24-18

Side Flex for Abs using the 45 degree back extension: 3x12

Dead Hang: 60 seconds

Cycle: Commute

AirDyne: 10-10-10