My daily commute is a bike ride to and from my gym. Now, understand that I don't usually see anyone on the way in as it is 3:30 in the morning and if I see anything it's someone doing something illegal or illicit or just plain weird. So when I see another "cyclist"? You better believe it's "GAME ON".
I am a very competitive jerk, so I figure you and I are in the Tour de France and I will go all Lance Armstrong on you.
I see this fellow has a few hundred yards on me, but I'm totally game.
As I close the gap, he spots me. "Tally HO! I'm in" and it's ON.
He jumps out of the saddle and tries to put some distance between us...
I swoop in on his "six" like Tommy Cruise in Top Gun chirping this guy that has NO IDEA if I'm friend or foe.
I sit on his tire like a real jerk (no cyclist likes someone drafting off their efforts) repeating lines from the "Great Santini"
He tries to shake me again, but I'll have none of that. I stay right with him.
Now I imagine he has some concerns and it was where I turn off to head into the next town.
So I send him off with a wave and a smile announcing in the early morning air..."Adios, Amigo and Vios con Dios"
He flipped me the "bird" and we went our own happy way...Me winning yet another bike race!
Today's Training:
Cycle: 27 mins
Prowler: 10x80 yds
Sprint: 10x40 yds
Dynamic Fat Gripz/Bar Dead Lift: 15x1
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
GHR: 4x8 negative accentuate
Ab Wheel: 3x15
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x15
Cycle: 29 mins.