Today, I have a simple 6 Minute Full Body Mobility Circuit+ Videos that will improve your recovery, mobility and flexibility. And, it is perfect as a cool down after a training session.
Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the 6 Minute Full Body Mobility Circuit, let’s discuss why you need to cool down from training.
Cooling down after training:
- May reduce lactate from blood and muscle tissue (makes you less sore later). Some studies say yes, some say not so much.
- Cooling down causes a faster return of blood plasma pH and intramuscular pH to resting levels.
- May reduce injury rates
- The big one-may lower post exercise cortisol levels (again, some studies show yes, some not so much)
I list lowering of cortisol levels as the big one because cortisol is awesome when you need it but not awesome when you don’t. You can fire up the Google machine for more information on the effects of consistent high cortisol levels. Or just take my word that having lower levels is better most of the time.
There are times that your body uses cortisol well. These are typically high stress incidents, such as a life or death situation. In instances like this, cortisol works to limit nonessential bodily functions and may save your life, but that is the topic of for another article.
Let’s move on to the 6 Minute Full Body Mobility Circuit +Videos
I have 6 simple and effective movements that complete an Active Cool Down and cover most of the body. You can do them in order, or focus on the ones that are most troublesome today.
Hip ER Stretch
Couch Stretch
T Spine Extension
Quadruped T Spine Rotation
To perform the circuit, as I said, either do them in order or do the ones that are limiting your mobility the most today.
For the stretches (Couch and Hip ER) I suggest holding each one for about a minute.
Then we move on to the active movements (Shinbox, and the T Spine ones).
Do each movement 5-8 times.

This will add up to about 6 minutes total time, and you’ll be more mobile and flexible, have improved posture, and you will feel and move better. You will also be doing a lot to prevent becoming less flexible in critical areas as you get old, like me.
The added benefit of lowering post exercise excess cortisol will go a long way your overall health.
And, feel free to hold the stretches longer. Up to 2 minutes each one. That will get you past the 6 minute mark but what’s a few minutes when t comes to your health?
Did you miss last week’s log?

Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
September 29, 2022