SPREAD the bar!

The one thing I harped on the most today was for the lifter to "Spread the BAR" or Pull the bar apart!

By doing this, the emphasis is no longer strictly a pectoral move. On the contrary, we want the bar to leave the chest via the upper back muscles.

So the mantra for today: Pull the fucking bar apart!!! FEEL the lats and traps WORK!

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

Incline DB Press: 4x10

Incline DB Fly: 4x10

Dynamic Bench: 10x3

"Stretcher" Push-ups: 3x30

1/4 of the way down Dips: 4x10

DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x10

Front Plank: 3x30 seconds

Pull-ups: 3

Push-ups: 15

Chin-ups: 3

Dips: 15

Dead Hang: 75 seconds

Cycle: Commute

Run: Sprints; 10x50 yds