We started a new cycle this week and on our Max Effort Days, we are currently Six Rep Maxing.
I am a stickler for technique and I find using 6 reps then 4 reps then 2 I can SAFELY increase a person's strength.
Because we are all goal-seeking machines, for me, too many will compensate their technique to meet the objectives of a ONE REP max. THAT doesn't bode well with me being a Form Bastard!
For this block, I also chose the "Anderson Squat" where the lifter doesn't get to use a stretch reflex and has to power up off the box and grind it to completion. PLUS, I make sure each rep is started from a two-count pause at the bottom, so each of the 6 reps is actually singles for six quick sets if you can picture that.
My groups put up pretty good numbers and at the midpoint in the summer schedule looks as if each individual will continue to bust their personal bests in training before sending them back to their schools or clubs.
Today's Training:
Cycle: 26 mins
Anderson Squat: 6 RM; two count pause on the box
GHR: 4x10
Rear Stepping Lunge: 8x25 each leg
Cycle: 29 mins