We were on the beach this past Sunday when my wife sent me a photograph she took of me late Monday afternoon. I looked and looked again and was NOT happy with the sight of the "beached whale" that I was looking at.
Not only did I look like a large round mound, but I also broke yet ANOTHER beach chair with my "Caution Wide Load" butt. Yep, fell right through to the sand.
The view and the thought of busting beach chairs kept me up all night.
It was pissing me off only in a HUGE way.
It was 1:15 AM when I thought it was enough tossing and turning. I got up, suited up in my running gear (a pair of shorts, and a sweatshirt), and went off for the first 5K in a long time.
The time for excuses has passed.
I finished and ate breakfast (3 hardboiled eggs) and hopped on my bicycle for my morning commute.
I got through the workout below and was finished all before the 4:30 AM crew came in.
My OCD will not let me rest until I look as hard as I present myself.
The need for dessert has passed
The summertime "cold one" has passed
The want for seconds of any meal has passed
My relentless approach and pursuit of regaining my former "shape" is the only thing on the agenda.
Today's Training:
Run: 5K 28 mins
Cycle: 27 mins
Dynamic Effort Bench: 10x3
Dynamic Effort OHP: 10x3
DB Fly: 2x45
DB Lateral Raise: 2x45
Shrugs: 4x12x moderately heavy wt.
Cable Tricep Pushdowns: 2x45
DB Curls: 2x45
Cycle: 28 mins.