Yep, it's that time of the month again. Time to get tickets to the "Gun Show". After all, it is our Second Amendment Right!
My morning run takes me through a park behind my house. The park is a lushly landscaped place that is very well maintained.
Beautiful trees and bushes abound everywhere with the best-kept lawns I've ever seen.
California is a dry climate and it hasn't rained in quite some time. To keep the grass lusciously green the town waters it with "reclaimed" water.
I don't know much about that or where it comes from, but it does have a distinctive aroma when the sprinklers are turned on.
At 0300, those sprinklers are ON! Every day and without fail, they are on!
When I take my dog out with me for these runs it turns into a game, not unlike "Frogger".
The problem with it is, I can hear them, and I can smell them, but there are SOOOOO many of them sometimes it's hard to SEE where the water is spraying and if it gets on you, well....let's say that I may have it in my head, but it seems to irritate the skin temporarily.
So...I try to avoid them without breaking stride.
It makes for a fascinating but otherwise low-input kind of run.
Kind of like running in a real-life video game.
Today's Training:
Run: 5K; 26 minutes (ish)
Cycle: Commute: 27 minutes
4 sets of 25 reps of the following exercises (you can couple any even with an odd number as a superset to quicken this rather long workout):
- Reverse Grip BB Curl
- Reverse Grip Cable Tricep Pushdown w/ Zig Zag bar
- BB Grip (Palms Up)
- BB Skull Crushers
- DB Hammer Curl
- Tricep Kick Back
- Seated Curl (DB or BB)
- X Body DB Tricep Extension
- Concentration Curl
- Dips
4-way Neck: 1x12x3.0
Cycle: Commute: 25 minutes