One thing I go apeshit over is a weak grip. I find people who shake my hand with a soft grip and a limp wrist deserve to have their arm torn off and beat'n with it over their head.
The Grip is the first thing you establish when meeting another person. When I shake hands, I make sure to slip it in nice and tight and then I EQUAL the other person's pressure with my own, and then give it a little tiny squeeze harder to let that person know... YOU KNOW???
One of the best and easiest things you and I can do to improve the grip is to hang from an overhead bar or a chin-up bar for time.
Start easy with a 30-second hold. Then add another set of 30 until that becomes easy and then add a third set.
Improvement then can come from more sets or MORE TIME per set.
One of the things I point out to my participants is to "squeeze down hard between the pinky and thumb". That is the weakest link in the upper body and if we make THAT connection strong, then watch out!!! You'll be tearing bumpers off the speeding cars on the Freeway systems.
Heck, whenever I grab something, be it a dumbbell or a barbell I purposely over-grip my pinky and thumb. I feel that increased tension translates into my hand and then throughout my torso.
Start working on that "G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu Grip", your Grandmother will be proud of you!
Today's Training:
Run: 5K; 45 ish minutes
Cycle: Commute; 26 mins
Dynamic Squat: 10x2@ 50%
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1@ 50%
GHR: 4x10
Calf Raise: 2x100
Pick any bicep and tricep exercise and do 4x15
Cycle: Commute; 28 mins