Every morning you are given two menus to choose from. Menu A gets you up before the alarm rings, and has you attacking the day's objectives with vigor. You snowball throughout the day gaining momentum and accumulating victory after victory. NOTHING can stop you. Menu A callouses your fragility and fortifies your honorable morals and ethics.

Menu B has you hitting the snooze button not once but possibly two or three times. It has you procrastinating on the essential part of your day. It makes excuses for your lack of discipline and rewards the lazy with additional slothfulness.

Every single day you are faced with the same two menus. Which one you choose is UP TO YOU!

Choose wisely.

Today's Training:

Shoulder Reliever


Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time

C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3xAMRAP

SSB Yoke Bar Shrugs: 3xAMRAP

Seated OHP: 3xAMRAP

Ab Wheel: 3x15

Decline Abs: 3x10

Chin-ups: 2xAMRAP

Dips: 2xAMRAP
