1. Learn how to let go and move on
  2. Stand firm on your core values
  3. Embrace and stay cool with change
  4. Control your thoughts. Happy ones= Happy life
  5. Don't be an asshole
  6. Be happy for others
  7. Allow yourself to be ok with making mistakes
  8. Listen to your "inner" voice
  9. When in charge; TAKE charge. Be responsible
  10. Re-evaluate your core beliefs from time to time

Today's Training:

*Run: Sprints; 12x60 yds

*Cycle: Commute; 29 mins

Prowler: 10x80 yds

Dynamic Deadlift v. Bands: 10x1

Box Jumps: 10x2

Decline Sit-ups: 4x12

*Cycle: Commute; 26 mins. Wind aided