Like many of the coaches here at EliteFTS, I preach "Grip the bar tighter than you think is necessary" to help build the tension needed for the big lifts.
However, I still witness various types of limp grip'n. So today I got on most of the lifters about increasing the grip if not the entire thing, give me a super hard squeeze at the pinky finger.
It seems when I ask for a tighter grip, I will get the thumb, the index finger (the nose picker) the second digit (the international signaling finger), and the ring finger. But we all tend to neglect the weak link which is that pinky out there on the end.
Trust me! Give it a try on ALL of your lifts. Concentrate on piping down hard on that etiquette finger on the end there. Use this technique even on the accessory and supplemental lifts. Heck, it even alleviated one guy's shoulder issue doing lateral raises today.
Today's Training:
Run: 5K; around 27 mins
Cycle: Commute: 26 mins
OHP: 4x10
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
Face Pull: 4x25x medium band
Shrugs: 4x12 moderately heavy
BB Reverse Grip Curl: 4x8
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12
BB Curl: 4x8
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12
DB Hammer Curl: 4x8
Cycle: Commute: 33 mins.