In my entire coaching career, the best piece of business advice I had ever received is STILL to greet EVERYONE in the gym (regardless of who's program they might be in) and say goodbye to them. Do it by their name, if you can, and if you forget their name, give them a really cool nickname.
I attempt to make everyone's day a bit better every day regardless of their mood and attitude when they walk in. If I can, then fine. If I can make them smile or laugh or even pee their pants, then GREAT!
I know that I'm not there to entertain anyone, but people need someone they can count on to lift them up. After all, isn't that what we do? Lift things UP?
If you really want to see the impact you have on a person, make someone feel like they are insignificant. Treat them the slightest bit off and watch what happens.
Making a person feel significant can change their attitude and that can change their day which in turn can CHANGE THEIR LIFE!
"Have a great day, Champion!"
Today's Training:
*Cycle: Commute; 26 mins
*Prowler: 10x80 yds. with an additional 30 lbs
Airdyne: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45
Dynamic OHP: 10x3
DB Lateral Raise: 4x12
DB Front Raise: 4x12
*Shrug: 100 reps with 315 in as few sets as possible
DB Curl: 3x10
DB Hammer Curl: 3x10
Cycle: Commute; 27 mins