Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to show in your life. If you continue to believe what you've always thought, you will continue to act the way you have. "If you always do (act) what you've always done, you will continue to get what you already have" (The definition of insantity). If you want to have a different result in your life, whether in the gym, at work or even home, all you need to do is change your current way of thinking or your mind.
Today's Training:
*Run: Sprints; 5x200
*Cycle: Commute; 26 mins
Concept II Row: 15 mins
Floor Pin Press: 2 RM
Cable Fly: 4x10
Incline DB Chest Press: 4x10
Tricep "Skull Crusher": 4x10
Band Pushdown: 100 reps
*GHR: 2x10
*Reverse Hyper: 2x10
Ab Wheel: 70 reps in as few sets as possible
*Cycle: Commute; 28 mins