I've witnessed a lot of people coming out against dynamic work, especially with the use of chains and bands.
"The research says..." yadda yadda yadda.
Here's my take. A LOT of people have gotten REALLY strong using the Conjugated method. I've used it in my program for the past 20-something years and I will say with darn good results.
I like the alternation between grinding during a maximal effort move and then cutting the weight by a certain percentage and moving it at blazing speed. The Championship that has come from it can not be denied.
As for the use of chains and bands? I don't care how little a return you think you get from them, they are just a lot of FUN!
I won't go apeshit over how much weight they add or what is your PR using them, I see them as another tool in the box to be used.
If you don't have them or use them, fine. But if you have them and you like to use them, don't stop! Training should be and CAN be fun too.
But to justify NOT using them because you did the "research"? Nah! I'd rather have them and choose who and when to use them and make my program a lot more interesting than doing the same shit 360 days of the year.
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints; 16x50 I had to be very careful as I'm still recovering from a strained groin
Cycle: Commute; 29 mins
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50%
Rep Bench: 100 reps in as few sets as possible. Same wt.
Cable Fly: 4x15
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 4x15
Cable T Bar Push-down: 4x15
Ab Wheel: 75 reps in as few sets as possible
Cycle: Commute; 26 mins