On my commute into the gym this morning, I was pulled over not by ONE Police officer but by TWO cruisers. For what? Apparently, my rear light had gone out making it hard to see me. Mind you, I ride at 4:00 AM and it's dark for sure, but I'm lit up like the Star Ship Enterprise. But what's behind me...makes no difference.
Yes, the boys in blue were out to protect me and they did so. But it's always fun to mess with them IF!!! they are approachable. The one officer was, the other one was trying hard to be a "Bad Ass".
After the exchange of ID, the questions were asked...
Officer: "Where are you headed?"
Me: To my gym, Combat Sports Academy
Officer: "Where are you coming from?"
Me: Truckee (which is in North Lake Tahoe a good 3 hours away by car and in the Sierra Mountains)
Officer: "Huh?"
Me: Yea, the ride in isn't so bad because it's mostly downhill, but the return trip is a bitch.
Officer: "Do you cycle everyday?"
Me: Yes, Sir
Officer: " Yea, I can tell by your legs"
Me: Are you hitting on me? Cut it out!
Other Officer: Eye Roll
Officer: "OK, just change the battery on your rear light so you can be seen"
Me: Thanks Officer. Will do. Thanks for looking out for my safety. Have a good day!
Someone remind me later to tell you guys the story of my speeding ticket while riding my bike in traffic during rush hour. This one is a CLASSIC!
The moral of the story...Check your equipment to make sure everything is in working order.
It would be horrible to get to a meet and not have decent wraps, or a useless bench shirt. How about having a busted belt?
What about going around the gym making sure all the monolifts, and benches are in fine working order?
CHECK your equipment TODAY!
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints; 10x100 yds
Cycle: Commute: 36 mins (I was pulled over by the Police)
Dynamic OHP: 10x3
Hang Cleans: 10x3
Shrugs: 4x8x Darn Heavy
DB Lateral Raise w/ release at the contracted end: 4x10 Lift the DB's with enough momentum that allows you to throw them into the air and CATCH them before they change their direction
Farmer Curl: 3x Stand on a tall box with one end of a bar resting on the floor. Hand underhand (always touching the other hand) lift the bar to the opposite end. Don't drop it on your head or let it slip forward so that it hits you in the groin. Stiff wrist and guts!!!
Cable Curl: 4x15
Side Bends using the 45 degree back extension
Cycle: Commute; 26 mins. Raced a guy that didn't know he was in the "Tour de Selkow"