Whenever there are only a couple of exercises in the day's workout, you had better plan on a tough one.
Today is no exception. Every minute on the minute for 50 minutes you have to perform TWO Pull-ups and Two Chin-ups. That's it! Seems pretty easy at first, but by the halfway mark the hands begin to burn and the forearms are starting to fatigue.
By the time you hit the 9 minutes left mark, you figure, "Aww hell. I have ONLY 9 more to go" Yea, kid...that's only 36 reps out of the 200 total you have to perform. When was the last time you did ONLY 36 pull-up/chin-up combo? Not many can say they did. But, you are in the single digits so you persevere.
Me, I've been having some back spasms so when I let go of the overhead bar, my back would tighten up and take my breath away. So I used this minor inconvenience as a way of pushing through the pain in my forearms and hands. By focusing on trying NOT to spasm between the minute marks, I didn't even count the number of sets I had to do.
Regardless, 200 reps later, I am a better person for it!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commte;27 mins
GHR: 2x10
Reverse Hyper: 2x10
Fwd Stepping Lunge: 2x10
Pull-ups/Chin-ups: 2 reps of each every minute, on the minute for 50 minutes
Cycle: Commute; 28 mins