Christmas is my favorite time of year.
No, it’s not because of the gifts, or Santa or the feasting.
It’s because during the Holiday season, people seem to treat each other as they should all year.
If we all treated each other the way most do at this time of year, the world would be a better place.
With that in mind, I decided to give you all a glimpse of what we are doing RIGHT NOW in the TPS Method for Powerlifting.
I’ve got a FREE 8 Week PR Crushing Powerlifting Program for you + RPR Warmup.
You are only getting 4 weeks today.
I’ll post the next 4 weeks soon.
Our programs are based on 4 days of training as follows:
Day 1: Squat + Deadlift Builder
Day 2: Bench Press
Day 3: Deadlift + Squat Builder
Day 4: Bench Builder + Accessory
This plan is condensed to 3 days of training during Christmas and New Year’s weeks because I am a realist.
Time is our most precious resource and it is good to take some now and spend it with family and friends.
Training 3 days a week instead of 4 will not hurt you in the long run as long as it is planned.
What will hurt you, or set you back is skipping sessions.
This plan makes accommodations, so you don’t have to skip.
It is also designed to get you to SMASH a PR in one or more lifts.
Why not all 3?
That’s greedy and unrealistic unless you are a raw beginner.
If you’ve been training for any length of time, you will not set PR’s on all 3 lifts all of the time.
It’s just how it goes.
Sometimes you’ll even see one lift go down.
Squat goes up, bench goes up, deadlift goes down a little.
Don’t let it stress you.
As long as you are making progress and the backslide on one lift isn’t too much, don’t stress. It’ll bounce back!
If you don’t have a piece of equipment listed or can’t do an exercise variant, remember, there are no magic exercises.
Make an appropriate substitution with what you have.
You don’t have a GHR, you can substitute a multi joint, posterior chain exercise such as an RDL in it’s place.
Don’t major in the minors.
If you do have access to the equipment listed, try to follow it as written.
So, without further pomp, buildup and hype, here is the Free 8 Week PR Crushing Powerlifting Program + RPR Warmup.
The RPR Warmup is first. We have set up a warmup for each day with drills designed to focus on the main goal of the day, such as Squat.
If you don’t know what RPR is, get on the Google machine. It’s a game changer.
TPS Method for Powerlifting RPR/Dynamic Warmup
Squat Day:
- 5 Superman Pose Belly breaths -Diaphragm Wake Up
- Psoas Wake Up
- Quad Wake Up
- Prisoner Squat x 8 each
- Leg Cradle x 8 each side
- Glute Wake Up
- Hamstring Wake Up
- Straight Leg Raise->Iron Cross->Prone Cobra x 8 each
- Hip Wake Up
- Hip Pop ->Single Leg Hip Pop->Supermans x 8 each
- Hip Complex: Forward hip circles->backward hip circles->fire hydrants x 8 each
- Shoulder Wake Up
- Rotational Wake Up
- Lat Wake Up
- 3 Superman Pose Belly Breaths
Bench Day:
- 5 Superman Pose Belly breaths
- Diaphragm Wake Up
- Shoulder Wake Up
- Lat Wake Up
- Rotational Wake Up
- Med Ball Chest Pass to wall or rebounder x 5
- Seal Hops/Jacks x 8 each
- Psoas Wake Up
- Quad Wake Up
- Hip Wake Up
- Hip Complex: Forward hip circles->backward hip circles->fire hydrants x 8 each
- Glute Wake Up
- Hamstring Wake Up
- Leg Cradle x 8 each side
- 3 Superman Pose Belly Breaths
Deadlift Day:
- 5 Superman Pose Belly breaths
- Diaphragm Wake Up
- Psoas Wake Up
- Quad Wake Up
- World’s Greatest Stretch x 5 each side
- Prisoner Squat & Cossack Squat x 8 each
- Glute Wake Up
- Hamstring Wake Up
- Straight Leg Raise->Iron Cross->Prone Cobra x 8 each
- Hip Wake Up
- Hip Complex: Forward hip circles->backward hip circles->fire hydrants x 8 each
- Shoulder Wake Up
- Rotational Wake Up
- Lat Wake Up
- 3 Superman Pose Belly Breaths
This should take you about 8-12 minutes once you learn it.
I can’t stress enough that you look into RPR and embrace it.
And now, here is the first 4 weeks of the
FREE 8 Week PR Crushing Powerlifting Program
RPE is your guideline.
EG: If it calls for 75% for 5 reps at a 7, and 75% is an RPE 6, add 2 ½%-5% and get to a 7.
If 75% feels like an 8, decrease 2 ½%-5%.
Week 1:
Day 1:
1. RPR Warmup with Coaches
2. 1/1000 Pause Squat w/chain
5x5 RPE 7 (65% +/- 5%)
3. Opposite 5” Block Pull
6 RM
4. Walking Lunge 12 each leg x 3
5. Reverse Hyper-strict x 12 +
Back Attack with band (and weight)
x 12 x 3
Day 2:
1. RPR Warmup with Coaches
2. 1/1000 Paused Bench w/chain
5x4 RPE 7 (70% +/- 5%)
3. CG 2 Board
8 RM
4. Incline Fly x 12 +
Incline DB Bench x 8 AHAP x 3
5. Standing 1 Arm Cable Row x 12 +
Lying Pullapart x 12 x 3
6. Tate Press x 12 +
Ab Wheel x AMAP x 3
Day 3:
1. RPR Warmup with Coaches
2. DL + Dl Below Knee*** w/chain
4x4 RPE 7 (70% +/- 5%)
3. Safety Squat Bar (SSB) Box Squat-Close Stance
2” Below Meet Depth
8 RM
4. SLRDL x 5 each +
Cable Pullthrough x 10 x 3
5. Back Raise-Row 4x12
Day 4
1. RPR Warmup
1. Incline Bench 8 RM
2. Pushups 4x12
If 12 are easy, make them hard.
If you can’t do 12 on floor, do as many as you can on floor and then modify.
3. Shoulder Complex: All x 12 x 3
Front raise/Lateral Raise/Rear Delt Fly
4. Hammer Curl to Overhead Press (HCOP) x 12 +
Cable Skullcrusher x 12 x 4
5. Turkish Get Up (TGU) 4x1
***DL + DL Below Knee: 1 Full DL and then lower to about 1-2” from floor, pause and reinforce position. Do not freefall and then bounce up in bad positions.
This is all about control and good positions.
Week 2:
Day 1-Volume
1. RPR Warmup with Coaches
2. 1/1000 Pause Squat w/chain
4-5x4 RPE 7 (70% +/- 5%)
3. 3. Opposite 5” Block Pull
3 RM
4. Walking Lunge 10 each leg x 4
5. RH-strict x 12 +
Back Attack with band (and weight)
x 12 x 4
Day 2
1. RPR Warmup with Coaches
2. 1/1000 Paused Bench w/chain
5x3 RPE 7 (75% +/- 5%)
3. Close Grip 2 Board
5 RM
4. Incline Fly x 12 +
Incline DB Bench x 8 AHAP x 4
5. Standing 1 Arm Cable Row x 12 +
Lying Pullapart x 12 x 4
6. Tate Press x 12 +
Ab Wheel x AMAP x 4
Day 3
1. RPR Warmup with Coaches
2. DL + Dl Below Knee w/chain
4x4 RPE 8 (75% +/- 5%)
3. SSB Box Squat-Close Stance
2” Below Meet Depth
5 RM
4. SLRDL x 5 each +
Cable Pullthrough x 10 x 3
5. Back Raise-Row 4x12
Day 4
1. RPR Warmup
1. Incline Bench 8 RM
2. Pushups 4x12
If 15 are easy, make them hard.
If you can’t do 10 on floor, do as many as you can on floor and then modify.
3. Shoulder Complex: All x 12 x 4
Front raise/Lateral Raise/Rear Delt Fly
4. HCOP x 15 +
Cable Skullcrusher x 15 x 4
5. TGU 4x1
Week 3: Christmas week
Day 1: OFF-Christmas Day
Day 2:
1. Squat with 2/1000 Pause
Halfway Down + chain
4x4 RPE 8 (75% +/- 5%)
2. Edema Bench w/chain
4x5 RPE 8 (70% +/- 5%)
3. Step Up-High Box x 5 each leg +
Hollow Rock x 30 sec. x 4
4. Cable Row x 8 +
GHR Situp x 8 x4
Day 3
1. DL 1/1000 Pause at Knee
(on way up)
5x3 RPE 7 (75% +/- 5%)
2. Good Morning in Belt Squat
4x 8
3. Farmers Walk x Turph
AHAP x 6
4. Single Leg Reverse Hyper 4x12 each +
Band Pushdowns x AMAP as Active Rest (AR)
Day 4
1. Close Grip Floor Press 6RM
2. Pushups 4x15
If 15 are easy, make them hard.
If you can’t do 12 on floor, do as many as you can on floor and then modify.
3. Shoulder Complex: All x 10 x 4
DB OHP + Lateral Raise + DB Shrug + Standing Banded Rev. Fly
4. BB Row
5x10 AHAP
5. DB JM Press x 10 +
GHR Side Bends x 5 each side x 5
Week 4: New Years’ Week
Day 1-Volume Deload
OFF-Happy New Year
Day 2
1. Squat with 2/1000 Pause
Halfway UP & chain
3x4 RPE 8 (75% +/- 5%)
2. Edema Bench w/chain
3x5 RPE 8 (70% +/- 5%)
3. Step Up-High Box x 8 each leg +
Hollow Rock x 30 sec. x 2
4. Cable Row x 10 +
GHR Situp x 10 x2
Day 3
1. DL 1/1000 Pause at Knee
(on way up) + chain
3x3 RPE 7 (75% +/- 5%)
2. Good Morning in Belt Squat
3. Farmers Walk x Turph
AHAP x 4
4. Single Leg RH 2x15 each +
Band Pushdowns x AMAP AR
Day 4
1. CG Floor Press 5RM
2. Pushups 2x15
If 15 are easy, make them hard.
If you can’t do 12 on floor, do as many as you can on floor and then modify.
3. Shoulder Complex: All x 10 x 2
DB OHP + Lateral Raise + DB Shrug + Standing Banded Rev. Fly
4. BB Row
3x10 AHAP
5. DB JM Press x 10 +
GHR Side Bends x 5 each side x 3
You’ll notice that on the deload week, we do a volume deload and not a traditional, full on one.
We’ve been getting better results this way.
If you want to smash PR’s give this a try.
I’ll post the next 4 weeks soon!
Have a Merry Christmas, or whatever Holiday you celebrate at this time of year.
Thanks for reading and supporting EliteFTS and me all of these years.
I am pretty sure I can speak for all of the TEAM and say that we are grateful for you.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden
Vincere vel mori
Can we be less cute in the future? If you use an uncommon term, just define it. Don't use a term and tell us to go somewhere else to find out what the f it means. Just by telling us that, you know many don't know what the term is and you're just yanking our chains to find out the information elsewhere. It takes you all of 10 seconds to write it, but I guess it's better for 50 or 100 or more people reading this article to have to spend 10-15 or more minutes in the hope of finding the meaning.
RPR is Reflexive Performance Reset.
You can read this article to see what it is all about.
I also have a few Coaching Logs on it with video.
Not sure if I can be less cute.
I am pretty handsome.
Vinceri vel Mori