Last week I posted about my current Minimalist Full Body Training Program. Here's a link if you missed it. CLICK HERE TO READ IT
Within the program, I was picking one main lift a session to hit a 5/3/1% based amrap max. What I have found was that I didn't necessarily feel recovered from session to session. From the dip amrap day, my pecs and shoulders would still be sore for my pullup amrap, and then my back would be sore for my belt squat amrap session. You can see where I'm going with this.
The full-body thing is still pretty new for me, but I'm digging it. So it's only to be expected that some changes will need to be made. In addition, I'm dealing with three herniated discs and spinal stenosis that's making my feet numb. I have to be careful and recovery is paramount.
As a result of the information above, I will be completing the amrap sets for all exercises on the same day. I am choosing Sunday for a number of reasons. First, because I train Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. So Sundays give me the most rest time between sessions. Second, I have more time to get a really good long warmup to train on Sundays because I'm not working. There's no rush and I'm actually enjoying taking my time. Lastly, I train in the morning on Sundays and my high-calorie day is Saturday. With most of my feedings coming in the evening, that leaves me well fueled for the big Sunday session.
I have made two additional changes as well. The warmup exercises aren't done before the main movements anymore, they are all just done in a circuit before the session. Also, both the Tuesday and Thursday session's main movements will be done as a circuit. With the weights no changing between sets I feel like waiting between sets is a waste of time. Considering each movement is devoted to entirely different bodyparts, waiting doesn't seem necessary when done as a circuit.
Warmup Circuit 2x10:
-45 degree back raise
-Split squat
-Blast strap face pulls
Main Session:
-Belt Squat 5/3/1 amrap
-Dips 5/3/1 amrap
-Pullups 5/3/1 amrap
-Planks 3x30 seconds
Warmup Circuit 2x10:
-45 degree back raise
-Split squat
-Blast strap face pulls
-Pushups 2x10
Main Circuit 5x10:
-Belt squat 40% tm (Training Max)
-Dips 40% tm
-Pullups 40% tm
-Planks 3x30 seconds
Dumbbell front squats 5x10 (2x25lb Dumbbells)
Neutral grip pull ups 5x10 (bodyweight)
Dips 5x10 (bodyweight)
Hanging leg raise 5x10 (bodyweight)
Going to run M/W/F and will do the 5/3/1 high intensity day on Friday.
Thanks for sharing this!