Suspended Knee ups: 3x10

BOSU Sit Up (only to parallel to the floor): 3x10

Shrugs: 4x10x365

Bat Wing Pulldown: 4x8x170

Mt. Dog Row: 4x6x75

Rack Scrape Row: 4x6x135 wide grip and ballistic


Tricep Trio: 3x12x110  Reverse Grip, Rope Grip, Regular Grip

Bicep Trio: 3x8x25 Reverse Grip, Hammer, Regular Grip


Every now and again a get a wild hair to run some distance.  Since I don't wear shoes of any sort, this becomes a bit of a challenge since the walks and roadways always have some sort of SHARP debris.  (I flat my tires often so I know this to be true)

Yesterday, for no particular reason (Forrest Gump accent) I just decided to run...

When I  put shoes on, my feet rebel and my calves will lose their mind.

Barefoot'n, no jogging, flat out running like I did when I had to dodge the Shore Patrol.  I ran pretty good for a guy that only does sprints on a grass football field.

No aches, no pains, nothing...Goin' native like a savage.