I hope you didn't buy that. The only meet that is going on is that I'll be meeting with my pals Rhodes and Wenlder. We are going to catch up at Jim's house, Casa De Muerte, for the weekend. We'll watch tv, tell lies to each other, I'll listen to them make fun of how I eat (or don't eat anymore), and when there's nothing else left to do, we'll lift some weights.
It's pretty cool actually, I have no earthly idea what we'll be doing. Maybe ohp, maybe bench, maybe squats, maybe pullups, who knows? We are just going to train because that's what we love to do. We talked about creating some type of old man meet, so maybe we'll figure that out. I have learned a ton from those two dickbags so I'm really looking forward to it. I usually just head out for EliteFTS happenings, this time it's just to visit my homies.
Being week four, I deloaded this week. I'm finding with all the work I now do I need a deload every fourth. I completed both sessions in under 20 minutes. They were super light and left me feeling better than when I started. Mission accomplished. Plus I'll be fresh for whatever hell those asshats throw at me.
Seated OHP w/Football Bar
OHP warm-up 65x5
Face pulls x15
OHP warm-up 80x5
Split Squat x8 each
OHP warm-up 95x5
Pull aparts x15
OHP Work Set 95x5
Split Squat x8 each
OHP Work Set 95x5
Pull-ups x3
OHP Work Set 95x5
Pull-ups x3
OHP 95x5
Pull-ups x3
OHP 95x5
Pull-ups x3
OHP 95x5
Barbell Shrug 95x12
OHP 95x5
Barbell shrug 955x12
OHP 95x5
Back raise x10
COC grip training
Squat w/SSB to Box
Squat warm-up 135x5
Ab Rollouts x6
Squat warm-up 135x5
Ab Rollouts x6
Squat warm-up 135x5
Ab Rollouts x6
Squat Work Set 140x5
Pushups x6
Squat Work Set 185x5
Dbl row 40x10
Squat Work Set 215x5
Pushups x8
Squat 140x5
Dbl row 40x10
Squat 140x5
Pushups x8
Squat 140x5
Cable Curls 20-10
Squat 140x5
Pushups x8
Squat 140x5
Cable Curls 20-10
KB tabata
Warm up and foam roll
Airdyne hiit 20 minutes
Warm up and foam roll
COC grip training