Solitude have I to endure, seemingly held with disclosure. A fellow left astray, as yet from yesterday. Flashing your dainty, disarming smile, It has never been so profound, Let us not forget the dreams we share, |
Focused on increasing the Dip total today. So it became the exercise of choice to be super set with all the others x 10 reps per each set
Suspended Knee Ups: 4x12
BOSU sit up (spine to parallel with the floor, no FLEXION) 4x12
45 Degree Side Flex: 4x12
Shrugs: 4x10x405
Shoulder Crank: 4x6x20
DB Lateral Raise: 4x12x25
DB Shoulder Press: 13x13x25
Push Ups: 200
Pull Ups: 105
Dips: 370
Prowler Yds.: 0