This tip is not really for every master lifter, just the ones that have been lifting their whole lives. An older olympic lifter friend of mine who is over 60 gave me this tip that he uses to keep his training somewhat fresh and moving forward. The sad reality set in that as he got older he had virtually no chance at every hitting a PR and that his lifetime PR's were well behind him. He told me that when he turned 40 he threw all his PR's away and started new and then did so every five years. That way he wasn't dwelling in the past at how much his lifting has declined from when he was in his prime, he was still looking to push his lifting forward for five more years trying to hit PR's.
Of course if you are one of those lifters that just started lifting at the age of 45 this doesn't exactly apply to you. But for guys like me who in my prime was a 30 year old, 330lb brama bull and now I'm a 50 year old guy who is still strong I know there is no way I'm going to approach some of things I did 15-25 years ago. This is just a good way to stay hungry mentally.