All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym.
In my competitive years, I can’t begin to count the times I wanted to quit the sport. An injury that would set me back, others I didn’t know if I’d come back from. How I’d fit training in, with school, work, family. The frustration that comes with slow, or no, progress. Not being able to reach the expectations set for me by others and myself. Fuck! There were many frustrating times that still piss me off to think back on them today.
We all have these moments, days, or periods that test who we are, how bad we want it, or make us wonder if it’s just time to move on.
We make these times much bigger and worse than they really are. In our head is chaos. The reality is far from it.
Through those competitive years, I learned to control the chaos, and see the reality of the situation. Ya, it might have been frustrating and hard, but the answer was always easy.
Don’t quit, because you never know how close you are. How can you walk away from a set objective when it may seem like it’s on the other side of town, but might be around the next corner?
Things are never as far away as they seem; the answer doesn’t always have to be hard and complex.
Sometimes it's very simple, if you just keep plugging along.