In general, most people do not want to be managed but do want to be led. I’ve been around enough “leaders” to know I have much to learn, but also something to offer.
Leadership is more in what you don’t say than what you do; the actions you don’t take, than the ones you do; and the personal responsibility you take for everything and the credit you never assume. This isn’t to say you don’t execute, because in the end that’s the biggest thing that matters. One thousand great ideas lead – with no execution – lead to zero. One OK idea executed can make payroll or far more.
As a company @elitefts has a primary aim to Live, Learn and Pass on.
Our culture of living is striving to provide those who work and represent us the certainty they require to know they can do the work. The variety to those who need to stay busy, need chaos and that spice of life. To understand the exponential connection when they work together will always be greater than the sum, as long as the connection meets and fills their needs. To know that “we” the owners DO care about them, want to see them succeed and become the best they can.
If we don’t cover our “live” then we won’t have the foundation, base or desire to “learn”. Learning is their own personal responsibility for growth, better skill sets, wanting to help and see the company grow. Thinking, bringing ideas to the table, trying new things, being open to change. Taking risks. Contribution.
Elitefts is known for our passing on. In the form of content, media, meeting team members, social media exchanges and helping others become better. I believe this is what we are best at, and work to become better at everyday.
My role as a leader isn’t asking or telling them what to pass on. It’s finding the right people and always asking at the end of each day, did I help them “live” better at work today?
Many days the answer is no, but I wake the next day pushing to be better. I can and will be.
I strive to Focus everyday with the Trust that we have the Strength to beat every excuse that stands in the way.
Live, Learn, Pass on
p.s. In one way or another we are ALL leaders, even if you only lead yourself.