Although I got home pretty late on Sunday night, my age plays a role in how quickly I recover not only from training session to training session, but from one event to the next.

I'm positive that the time zones from the West Coast to the East Coast and back in a span of a few days, plays a role in my moods and energy levels.

Today was the first day in three that I actually felt pretty good in my gym at 4:00 AM.

We shall see.

I've been doing my training at as fast a pace as I can to add a "conditioning" element to the session.

I've been using my accessories to Super set with the main lift of the day and try to move through the multiple sets without resting.


Barbell Over head press 8x11x75 super set with Bench Press 8x11x185

Dynamic Bench (I tried doing this inclined...pretty dumb): 10x3x185 Super set with:

DB Lateral Raise (Super Strict): 5x10x20


DB C/S Rear Delt Raise (Super Strict): 5x10x15

Cable Cross Over: 4x15x50

Super Set w/

BB Shrugs: 4x12x315

My sciatic nerve has been feeling really good.  So, I am not forgetting to start my  sessions as a warm up with:

Suspended Knee Raises: 4x12

Side Flex using the EliteFTS 45 degree back extension: 4x10 each side.