I kid people often about all the "if'as", "would a's" and "could a's" and yes, If my Aunt had balls she'd actually be my Uncle.
I hear how we want to change our lives but don't take the steps in changing our life. I see a lot of "ready aim, aim, aim, aim" and never any "FIRE!"
We need to start pulling the trigger! A bit more of "Fire,aim, ready"
Stop announcing all the things your gonna do and just go about doing them! The actions should speak so loud no one can hear the line of bullshit anyway!
Go do the great thing!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
SMR and Meridian Stretching
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x38-28-18
Push Ups: 100 reps
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30
2 Board; 3 rep; PRE=7
Drop the weight by 15% and do 2x5
Cross Body DB Supine Tricep Ext: 6x10
Cross Body DB Curls: 6x10
Shrugs: 4x15x405
Bike Commute: 24 mins.
Sprints: 10x50 yds