I was having a discussion this morning at the gym regarding the OTHER hours of a week that participants aren't under my watchful eye.
The concern a few had was NOT being able to reach their fat loss goals by a certain date.
I explained that no one has ever out trained a poor nutritional plan, and that on a good week I see the person perhaps 6 hours, leaving 162 hours for them to screw things up.
The conversation was leaning towards me and how I wasn't available for those unsupervised hours (everyone was kidding of course) and what things could be done.
That's when I came up with a BRILLIANT plan (if I do say so myself).
Depending on the goal, for example, losing 30 lbs of fat by July 31st of this year, the participant will sign over a check to me in the amount of $5000. IF by the 31st that person has reached the goal, I will return the check to them as if PAYING THEM for reaching the goal. This is also known as a POSITIVE REINFORCER.
BUT, if that person had not reached the goal, then I get the $5000 to deposit in my account.
I expounded on this idea telling them that they will be more accountable overtime when it comes to snacking when they are bored and not really hungry, missing training sessions for what ever excuse. Knowing that you had $5000 on the line would definitely motivate a person to watch the timing of their food intake and what their cheat meals REALLY consisted of.
I think I'm on to something!