Integrity is the values that you're going to live by. Your values are determined by how you were brought up. If you're to look back at the people that you respect and admire the most, find the one quality in each one of those persons that you admire them for, that value is ingrained in you.
When you're living by that value, or those values, in conjunction with those, then you live with integrity and your stress is lower. When you're trying to live a life that goes against the values that are ingrained in you, stress increases. You can't sleep. All kinds of shit happens. You become to tied up in all your own drama you fail to see the opportunities around you and don't take time to be grateful for all you do have.
When you're living by your own values, which is a lot harder to do, because you're tested every day, every minute. When you're living by those, you can think clear. You can see opportunity. The one thing that I, if I do have a special skill, it's finding an opportunity. Looking at everybody and trying to figure out how can I create a win-win situation with each person.
If I was trying to live a life that was going against values that I admire, which are on our website as company values by the way, then I can't see that. Because I'm too tied up in how things are so shitty.
Why is it me?
Why am I so tore up?
I can't do this. I can't do that.
My brain is clogged.
All right. When it's free and it's open, I can see these opportunities and take advantage of them. These opportunities are all around us. As personal example, team elitefts. I've worked very hard with the staff of elitefts to create win-win relationships with these guys, and one of our goals is to try to help them become better, in their sport, in their life, with businesses. Whatever we can do. The more people that you can help get what they want, this is a Zig Ziglar thing here, the more you're going to get what you want, too. I strongly believe in that. As far as success, that would definitely be it. Become associated with those who share the same values and pass them on by giving back.
If their are some that don't "fit" the values or grow away from them - get rid of them for all the reasons noted above.
It's more than words, because if your integrity is tested, can you do the right thing, by yourself, when you're under fire?
Can you stick to the business plan that you created when everybody that you know and respect is jumping your ass, saying you sold out, when you didn't. Can you handle the criticism and stick to your guns?
I mean, I can throw out millions of questions just like this. 99% of the people can't. That's why they don't. Because they sell out. They sell their own values and their own integrity for SO many reasons is become ridiculous. Really, is their any good reason to trade your values for anything? Maybe to some there is - as the saying goes everyone has their price. Is your Integrity for sale? How do you know for sure until it's really been tested?
The values are self-determined. If love is a value of yourself, then fucking love everybody. Because as soon as you start hating them, you're going against your own values. That's what makes this country and this world unique. That's what it is. Everybody's different because everybody's got different upbringings, different values.
The take away from this mess of a post is to know what you stand for and what you stand against then stick to it. If you REALLY stand for it then it shouldn't be for sale, this builds integrity.
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