I have a client getting ready for a meet this weekend. We went over openers and attempts, and I asked what other questions he may have for me going into the meet.
His response: "How do you to stay even keel through out the day, just with energy and not getting to amped or excited? That was what I felt hampered me at my last meet in March, I just felt exhausted when it was my flights turn for deadlifts."
This is a great question, and one I see people fucking up left and right at meets.
First, be excited. It's your day. You've spent weeks preparing for this day.
Second, let the nerves come and go. You can't do anything about your nine attempts until it is time to take them. So don't sit there shitting your pants all day thinking "what if." By all means visualize, but that should be done weeks out- take your squat opener 1000x while sitting on your couch.
The number one mental mistake I see lifters make at meets is trying to stay "UP" or "Amped" all day. Some meets are 12 hours. Why would you want to stay wired all day for literally 90 seconds of work? (9 attempts at 10 seconds a piece)
Do these 3 things to keep yourself on track for a good meet, mentally:
#1 Sit down
Just sit the fuck down. Don't pace. Don't socialize. Sit down and breathe.
#2 Easy on the music
Slayer on repeat is cool and all, but isn't necessary. Being amped up an hour out from warming up won't make that opener for you. If you want your headphones on so people won' talk to you, that's cool, but recognize that Raining Blood at an 11 volume isn't doing anything for you while you're waiting to start warming up.
#3 Go in with a plan
Plan your warm ups (including timing). Plan your attempts. Plan your hydration. Plan your nutrition (including timing). That makes executing a lot easier to focus on. Instead of when should I eat or what should I eat, the focus is I'm going to eat chicken and rice after my squat, then I can start to warm up for bench 45 minutes out, and my last warm up will be 275. It takes away decision fatigue and can keep you focused.
My advice- go to the next big meet in your area. Boss of Bosses on the west coast or the Arnold on the east coast, among others. Watch the best lifters in the world at their craft....the vast majority will be sitting for most of the day. Occasionally you'll see some with headphones on. And most are eating their normal meals on a schedule. There's something to emulate.