Summer vacation with nothing to do....
That would seem glorious to you and me, but to a nine year old, it's like purgatory.
My son has two friends over our house "playing". One of the two is a jock, like Hunter, and the other is kind of a "gamer" with no sports skills.
The comedy of the outcast kid is legendary. He comes into my office to notify me of the abuse he is undergoing by Hunter and his friend.
I listen to everyone with an empathetic ear, and a blank stare. When the sniffles were over, and he calmed down to figure out what I was going to do to help him...I replied, with a quick affirmative shake of my head and said to him..."well...GOOD! How about you three go figure out how you can play? If not together, then everyone play separate."
NOT the answer he was hoping for.
I won't interfere with this dynamic. WE all had to figure it out at some point, and I hope it's because our parents LET US "get after it".
I think in my case, it was more like my parents not giving two cents worth of care in a nine year old's friendship. As long as no one was bleeding and no one got punched in the face, then everything will have a way of working itself out.
Then again, getting punched in the face only hurt for a moment, but the lessons were lifetime.
Pull Up Hell: Five rounds of five hand positions doing 20 reps on each position.
BB Curl:
Chain Curls:
Cable Curl:
Shrugs: 3x12x535
Pull up totals=5054
Push Up totals=5991
Dip Totals-8183
Prowler Totals: 21,580 yards