SSB Yoke Bar Shrug: 4x12x315

4 Way Neck: 1x6x7.0

C/S Row: 4x12x75

Cable Rope Tricep Push down: 4x15x115

Dips: 100

Overhead Cable Zig Zag Bar Tri Extension: 4x15x110

DB Curl: 4x8x30

Hammer Curl: 4x8x35

I did this training with a new Bio Feedback Suit that my friend Gabe brought in today.  It gave feedback on muscle tension, speed of movement, HR, Balance, and things that were so interesting that I hadn't really tested the scope of it from the COACHES point of view.

My goodness, what I saw I liked only A LOT.  Tomorrow, I will train Gabe and give the other side of the applications.

Good Times!
