If you don't know by now, I don't train EVERYBODY. Not to sound conceited, or think I'm above anyone else, but at this stage of Coaching, I don't want everyone.
A person comes in to "try it out" doesn't realize that their trying it out now cost a first month compensation non refundable regardless if I let them train or I turn them away.
Here's the reason, I invest so much time teaching the basic skills that it becomes THE MOST time consuming portion of the training. (and it's ON GOING) So we want to get it correct.
It is not unlike a LTTS seminar over the course of week or two. In the past, people would learn from me and then when it came time to "Pony Up" they disappeared.
NOW...they are coming in to "TRY OUT" for my team.
Not only do you have to have the "right stuff" but you also need to add something unique to the group.
Back when I was a beginner, I whored out my time. 5:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night...7 days a week.
No more!
I KNOW I can train a person to make them stronger, faster, better conditioned, better body composition, better looking, smarter, and more confident over all, and world champions in a few instances, but WHAT are YOU offering? It isn't about the money for me...never has been. But why should I invest my time in you if all you are going to do is TAKE? What are you giving???
Enter my newest guy, Big Mike Smith and his lovely bride Peggy. Yes, that's their real names too.
Anyway, Mike is "Old School" hard core. A rugged dude that can tear the ass end off a charging Rhino and is as nice as nice can be. Nothing and I do mean NOTHING gets Big Mike riled up or visibly angry.
Nope, Mike is from my era. We "chirp", we smack talk, we holler at each other (neither of us can hear) We beat our chests and drag our knuckles. Mike can take what ever I dish out, and I will take what ever HE dishes out.
Does Big Mike get offended when I say something WAYYYYY off color or maybe a bit "over the top"?
Nope! He will either laugh at it, knowing that I am being "colorful" or he will ignore it.
Big Mike is refreshing as a fresh waterfall leap into a mountain pool especially in a day and age when every word we utter has to be guarded.
You can be REAL around Mike, because Mike is as REAL as it gets.
But!!!!! Be warned...Don't BULLSHIT Big Mike!
His lovely wife who has his back 100% at 100% of the time will lose her sweet demeanor and tear you a NEW asshole!
Yup...Big Mike and Peggy add a LOT to the day when they train. I really wish more folks (hint, hint Social Media sissies) could take a few lessons from them.
Today's Training:
Concept II Row: 5 minutes to shake off the lazy
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Men +10 lbs over last week
Women +5 over last week
Incline DB Chest Press: 5x10
Cable Cross Over: 5x10
Cable Tricep Extension: 5x10
Preacher Curl: 5x10
Skull Crusher: 5x10
Hammer Curl: 5x10
4 way neck: 3x10
Row: 20 minutes
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Run: 10x50 @ 75%