On dynamic day, I like to adjust the technique flaws of the athletes.  Because it's hard to remember things, I use the Buddy Morris approach:

Teach one thing the participant has an 87% chance of remembering it.


Teach TWO things the number drops to 33%


Teaching THREE things...well, "Good Luck with that"


So...Bar speed and the ONE major issue hold the bencher back from excelling.

Most of my people needed to be reminded of HIP DRIVE!


Dynamic Effort Bench: 8x3x60%

DB Row: 2x27x moderate weight

Tricep Push down of any sort: 3x20  Just get a giant pump

Flys of any sort: 3x20  again...just get a pump

Push Ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible

Curls: 100 reps