"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say a thing", my Mom would tell me as I grew up.
I was taking a look at my coaching style vs. other coaches I have had, and those that surround me now, and wondered how I was doing with this application of my Mom's lesson and words.
For years, I have been quick to point out in very sarcastic terms the flaws that I saw. Doing so, I could then feel the walls that were put up immediately by the participant to protect themselves.
Sure it was fun! I mean, who doesn't like to bully someone? I love a good fight too. But was this good for the athlete? Was this good for the relationship? Was this good for BUSINESS? Hell NO!
Today, I like to point out what the person is doing correctly, or the gains they have made, or the numbers they put up. But when I critique a person's technique, I no longer add the colorful commentary of the flaws they have. Instead, I allow the PAINFUL silence permeate and sink in. I then explain in full detail (AGAIN) what I want the person to do. I have found, the moment I tell a person, "Don't do this or that", THEY IMMEDIATELY DO what I just told them I didn't want them to do. I have about an 89% better chance of them doing what they need to do, by re explaining what the desired outcome should be.
I have also begun to think this technique through to it's logical conclusion when I am engaged in a conversation of any sort. Let the person KNOW what I am thinking by prefacing the thought with "In my opinion" and then telling the absolute truths in a POSITIVE way. If I am NOT in agreement, then I let the SILENCE become DEAFENING.
Just my own observations for the day. Better to Edify than Criticize.
Bat Wing Lat Pull down: 2x10
Medium Bat Wing Lat Pull down: 2x10
Medium Supinated Bat Wing Lat Pull down: 2x10
V Bar Bat Wing Pull down: 2x10
C/S Row: 4x10x75
DB Row: 4x8x125
DB Curls: 4x10x30
Rack Scraping Curls: 4x10x75
DB Hammer Curl: 4x10x30