Yesterday I wrote about the encouragement of young athletes and how by certain actions an unknowing coach can break the spirit or confidence of that person.
Thinking about that, I further my beliefs in letting each person explore what THEY think could be fun or challenging.
If you remember the Michael Orr story, that turned into a movie called "Blindsided"? It was about a BIG kid from the wrong side of town that had no real adult encouragement. He was destined for life on the streets, running with gangs, and general "thuggery", when a concerned adult WITH an expendable income gave opportunity to what is now, one of the highest paid NFL left tackles.
If he wasn't given the chance to excel, Michael Orr would have become ANOTHER "what if only" stories.
My son excels at hockey and lacrosse. Because he does, he is in MY area of expertise...SPORTS!
To that end, my wife and I allow him the opportunities to better himself in those sports. We're proud parents!
BUT...what IF, we are missing something? What IF, by sending him to bed earlier than his peers so he can get up EARLY to train in the gym BEFORE school, we are retarding him from exploring other POSSIBILITIES?
Is our pride and happiness in the way of him becoming the next Mozart? Brahms? Robert Frost? Picasso?
What if the YouTube editing he does and enjoys IS the future of the internet?
Do I pressure my son into sport that has only a 1% survival rate to the Pro level?
What IF?
I do believe as parents and coaches we have an obligation to GUIDE our charges. But should we DETERMINE their entire path?
For now, I will let my son compete to whatever level he wants to take it. I will afford him every opportunity to excel at each level by training and lessons.
I will continue to cheer him on from the sidelines, but I will also hold his camera, and take interest in his "other" explorations.
Maybe this weekend, we'll purchase a drum set or two. (after all I like playing the drums too) or dare I??? Keyboards, and writing tablets?
Today's training:
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50%+2 chains per side
C/S Row: 6x12
Tricep Push Downs for the pump: 3x20x band
DB Lateral Raise as a drop set: 3x10x30-25-20's