Yes, it is convenient to tap out a few key strokes and order stuff from EliteFTS via the on line store. But, unless you CALL EliteFTS and actually TALK to Rhonda or Matt, then you are missing out on possibly the best of the experience (other than actually using the equipment once you get it)
I just got off the phone with Rhonda with whom I had a WONDERFUL conversation with about not only the equipment I wanted to purchase, but just general stuff too. She has the patients of a Saint and can trouble shoot and suggest things that you just can't do while hitting the "enter" button on your keyboard.
I then found out that it was Matt Goodwin's birthday. I am NOT one to wish someone Happy Birthday via Facebook or Twitter. Too easy and because of the convenience everyone does it, which makes it kind of shallow for me.
So I asked Rhonda to switch me over to Matt's phone, so I could serenade him with my awful voice and rendition of "Happy Birthday"
I think I might just call them once a week to see how they are doing. After all, it is a toll free number.
After blasting the ab/and spinal stabilizer muscles with Knee ups, Windshield Wipers, and Side Flexions we focused on blowing up the pipes.
Biceps/ and Triceps:
Rope Tri Extensions: 4x15x110 super set with DB Curls: 4x8x25
DB Hammer Curl: 4x8x30 super set with Dips: 4x15xBW
C/S Kettle Bell Tricep Kick Backs: 4x15x26 super set with 1/2 way up Reverse Curls: 4x8x75
Zig Zag Bar Preacher Curl: 4x8x75 super set with American Bar Skull Crusher: 4x15x75
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