There's a change happening and we are in the front edge of it. The programming up until this point has had a theme of "Get your fat ass moving and into shape."
Now we added a few spices here and there to keep it interesting, and if you've been participating you know we've escalated things since December 29th.
Stay with me...
Today's Training:
Tier I
Run: 5K This has to be done earlier in the day for me as the new puppy in my house needs attention as well. There's a rhythm to a house...every house! Ours is getting it's sync back.
If I had developed the taste for coffee, this would be a perfect post run cool down. Dark, morning air, sitting on my outdoor furniture and let my pup have some time to herself. Since I don't drink java, water has to do.
Here's where the battle cry came in this morning. We were going to do Blast Strap Rows to the tune of 300 reps. 300 reps you ask? Yea, but don't think it's all that bad. Your feet are still on the ground and you are essentially doing "Fat Man" pulls. As I stood there writing the program on the white board, in the distance and in my eye sight were those thick climbing ropes. That's when I thought..."um HUMMM! Lets hold those ropes, one in each hand and do those "Fat Mans" on them! Well fuck my grip and blast my forearms. 300 motherfucking rows later and I was sporting twin howitzers with road map vascularity.
Since that sucked so good, I thought "well hell...let's just add 125 chin ups to the mix and call it a day" So that's exactly what we did.
The veterinarians in the area were called to action, because everyone's Pythons were looking ....SICK!
A brisk bike commute to my house from the gym took a quick 20 minutes and because of that rope pulls, I am index finger typing, pounding the keys like a jackhammer.
Tier II
AirDyne Bike for 5 minutes in a steady state to warm up. Followed by 10 sets of 10 second all out efforts and a 50 second recovery.
Concept II Row: Same thing!
DB Row: 100 reps each hand utilizing as little sets as possible. This was best done by starting with the less dominant hand and yoking as many as you can shy one rep to failure in each set. Then with the good one...MATCH that motherfucker.
Last...DB Pullover for the STRETCH. 50 reps with a light weight.