DB Bench: 5x10 Super Set w/
BB Overhead Press: 5x10
Neck: 1x10 in the four positions
Shrugs: Full with an extra squeeze: 5x10
Incline Fly super set w/ DB Lateral Raise: 5x10
Cable Fly super set with Rear Delt Raise: 5x10
Dips x 200
Prowler: 8x40 w/ 5 more pounds over last week = 320 yards
Why in the world would my wife (whose having a birthday today) wants to go toe to toe with Manster of a guy going exercise for exercise (moderating the weight of course) is beyond me.
April has chosen as her inspiration, the one the only the BENCH PRESS CHAMPION OF OUR WOOOOOORLD>>>> Vincent the Supple Rhino Dizenzo.
She had incredible abdominal (yes her 8 pack trashed) D.O.M.S. from Vinny's ab wheel routine. Today she needed to get the numbers, the gym, the time, the music, the ZEN of Rhino in order before she could rage a full on assault of her new found challenge. (Don't worry Clint Darden, she still has that special place for you in her heart)
Here's what the morning board looked like:
She's having a blast, but I did have to remind her that she isn't to sacrifice technique in lieu of speed. She needed to remain FLAWLESS and get the most out of each rep in each exercise every set.
Sometimes, everyone needs to compete against the Gods just to test their own metal.
The last two sessions have been a gas Vin.
Pull up totals=1779
Push Up totals=2461
Prowler: 8320 yards