I have been a Strength and Conditioning coach for about a century at the time of this writing.
At different times I have been a skill coach for various sports and determined that I did not like the politics that goes along with doing so.
Part of the joy that I receive as a Sport Prep coach is that I want every kid to succeed v. putting the best team together.
I want the kid to succeed not only at the current level they are training but all the way as far as that person wants to take it and I'm not talking about only sport.
I have been associated with some incredible coaches and some that weren't. The one thing I have never done and never will do is tell that coach something about their "style", unless it's good.
I became a Physical Educator after earning a B.S. degree in the subject matter only to be allowed to hone my skills through experiences and further education and more letters after my name (which I don't use because 'H.M.F.I.C' takes too long to write".
Today you can take weekend certifications and become a "Coach" and save THOUSANDS of dollars.
Many youth sports can now give certifications through their own programs as well. Some don't charge anything and it shows.
While we take sensitivity lessons, learning how not to abuse children, or hurt their feelings we lose site of the encouragement factor.
I have never told a developing athlete, no matter how frustrated I've become, that they were inadequate, not worthy, insignificant, terrible at the position, or mentally deficient.
Quite the contrary...I have told a young player of the things we need to "Work On" to make a particular weakness become a strength. By doing so, we make that person stronger!
Things do get said in the heat of the moment. But at the times we are dealing with other's emotions we need to check our own to make sure WE are right.
Not sure where I was headed with this, but it was my thought.
Today's Training:
Super Legs!!!
Split Squat
Rear Stepping Lunge
Momentum Squat (speed carries you up onto your toes)
Walking Lunge
Jump Squat
4 sets of 25 reps as fast as you can get it done
Tricep Rope Pushdowns: 2x20
super set
DB Curls: 2x20
DB Hammer Curl: 2x20
super set w/
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 2x20
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