When faced with the choice between eating good food or "convenient" food that isn't that good for you, we eat the good food in my house. April was the one who then said to me, "when faced with bad food decisions and not eating at all, the choice is simple...Don't eat!"
I thought about it and have to agree. Reason? You are NOT starving to death. You simply are hungry and undisciplined and lazy.
Don't eat if you don't have a good choice. YOU WILL NOT DIE!
Run: 5K (April and me early this morning)
Today's Team Training:
C/S Row: 3x13x95 M 65 W
V Grip Lat Pulldown: 3x13x120 M 50 W
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 3x13x25 M 15 W
Cable Rope Pushdown: 3x13x80 M 40 W
DB Curl: 3x13x25 M 15 W
Zig Zag Preacher Curl: 3x13x45 M 25 W
AirDyne: 20 minutes