Last week was a little bit of a mess in terms of benching. With the holiday, we weren't able to meet at our regular time, so I had to make it up at the gym down the street. Simple stuff, just 6 triples at 275 and not really worth it's own log entry. I mostly just trained to avoid missing a day.
Squatting this past Sunday was a bitch, in a good way (I think).
This was a circa-max squat session with doubled bands. By doubled, I mean that rather than choking the band around the base of the monolift, we actually place the middle of the band under the mono and stretch the two ends up and around the barbell sleeve. This creates a LOT of tension, and unlike a traditionally choked band doubled bands don't deload significantly at the bottom.
This was more of a speed day, so I just worked up to 330 for 6 singles. Despite the light weight, this was really hard, lol and my body was pretty much trashed after this.
Next week I will use the same set-up and take it to a max. This stuff has proven in the past to be extremely effective at building top-end strength, as long as you don't overdo it, so after next week, I'l be pretty much done with banded stuff.
Also, training sessions like this never fail to remind me how fucking old I'm getting.
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