With remote coaching, it can be difficult to get cues across to lifters. Hell, even in person it's tough to get lifters to feel and implement changes that you're communicating to them.
One universal issue I see in the squat is proper use of the lats to hold the bar. Lifters typically 'trap it up,' holding more of the tension in their upper back and leaving their thoracic exposed because their lats are under-active.
This drill cues the 'reverse shrug' that is necessary to create a proper shelf and transfer force efficiently from the hip to the bar.
*Note- it is not perfect because it doesn't cue pulling the bar into the lat at a 45 degree angle. But it's better to walk before running, so I think there's still value in it given the simple set up and the fact that it's hard to do improperly. Remember, the goal here is simply to get your lifter to feel their lats while they squat.