I have this personal thing that says's "Never Quit". I loathe quitters. I would tell the teams that I coached "for them to win (and sometimes they will but we won't lose) they're going to need a sniper in the upper row with a Barrett .50 cal to stop us"

See, once you quit something ONCE, it becomes easier to quit the next thing. Then what do you have? Excuses, self lies, disappointment, self-rejection, depression, and on and on...

Today I had one of my more mature participants, "Ring the Bell" on an exercise the moment I stepped away. When I returned just a moment later, I see him doing something rather than the one I assigned him.

That my friend...PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!

Without raising my voice or scowling, I returned him to the original plan with the words of encouragement..."Don't EVER Quit something you start" Go slow if you must, but never ever quit!!!

Today's Training:

Run: Sprints: 10x50 yards

Bike Commute: 28 mins

AirDyne: 5 mins steady-state; 15x15/45

Versi Climber: 8x50

KB Swing: 8x40

Graded Treadmill: 1% every minute for 15 mins. 3.3 mph

Horizontal WoodChop: 3x20xmini band

Plank Twist: 3x10 per side

Bike Commute: 29 minst