WHAT a glorious morning!!! I left my house at Zero-Dark-Dark and took the long way to the gym on my bicycle. The air was cool, yet comfortable and I DRESSED perfectly for it.
As I hit the "Iron Horse Trail" I also hit that perfect place to be in. Athletes call it the ZONE, Some call it Nirvana.
My pace was quick yet not laboring. Every stroke of the pedal became more aggressive with no additional change in output.
I was moving FAST....EFFORTLESSLY.
The wind in my face and no labor in my breathing. My heart rate didn't even climb that much. I was THERE!
Magnificent, GLORIOUS...where all I could think and feel.
So, I needed to get that into my charges today.
We started with a four cone PROWLER SUICIDE that totaled in yardage 200. 8 times
Banded Side Walking Abductions vs. Circle Bands: 5 x the same suicide cones.
I believe every buttock fired and will be feeling the aftermath.
Then we work on the combat Chasis.
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 4x12
Ab Wheel Roll Out: 4x12
"Stir the Pots": 3x10 in both the counter and clockwise movements.
My bike ride home, was a bit more of a challenge, yet wonderfully pleasing as well.