I was talking to my Hockey kids about the amount of complaining I wasn't listening to last night. Seems it was their content to indulge me in the way they were feeling from this week's "Dry Land Practices".
My son knows that Casa de Selkow flourishes on Rule #67 which simply stated..."No Complaining". I don't complain nor do I accept complaints.
I will, however, EMPATHIZE with people, but I will NEVER Sympathize with them.
Doing so allows me to be the type of friend anyone ever needs.
Don't accept and don't complain. No one really cares about it unless you are working or needing help with the solutions to them.
Today's Training:
Dumbell Shoulder Crank:
25 sets of 4 reps done in rapid fire succession.
Lateral Raise
Front Raise
Bent over rear delt raise
Barbell Overhead Press:
100 reps in as few sets as possible
Chin ups: 50 reps
Dips: 100 reps