21 days.  21 DAYS!!!  To create a habit you have to do something for about 21 consecutive days for it to sink in.

300 reps create a movement pattern.  However, fixing a faulty one requires 5000 reps.

Practice something 10,000 times to become an expert.

I have had this conversation more than a few times...

"I was so happy sleeping this morning at 0400 that I contemplated staying where I was.  Then that voice popped into my head and said, 'don't be a pussy'.  Get up and get at 'em"

Those people are a lot closer to reaching their goals than those that choose to say, "fuck it"!

Be consistent to get good.  Be relentless to be GREAT!


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins.

Max Effort Bench: Move up slowly in weight.

Start taking singles until you reach a PRE=8 or 9


X body Supine Tricep Ext: 3x12

Single Arm DB OHP: 3x12

Shrugs: 3x8x425

Push Ups: 3x33

DB Side Lateral Raise: 3x33

Use 5 to 10 lbs MORE than normal.  Much like the Rear Delt Destroyer keep the weight moving even if it's an inch or two from your holsters.

Bike Commute: 25 minutes


Sprints: 10x50x75%