When we overlap sports often we find ourselves in a quandary. Which one do we participate in. I've simplified it by saying the sport that is Primary is the one that hasn't had it's Championship yet. THAT sport will take priority over the others until the Championship banners have been raised. THEN, it goes on a back burner and the secondary sport becomes the primary.
With the two sports also comes for a higher demand on the body. Instead of participating in Two practices and one or two games per week, we now practice NIGHTLY and will have a game or TWO on a given Saturday AND/or Sunday. (rarely two games on both).
With the demand of athletics and all the side orders to the main courses, ACADEMICS get a little derailed.
I told my lovely wife, "No one remembers who said what in math class, or Oh heck yea, that science class was AWESOME". I don't! What I remember is the coach BARKING at me about some lame thing I did or didn't do. I remember the locker room antics. I remember the smack talk and back/butt slapping. I remember the pain, the sacrifice and the victory. (I won't remember too well the alternative to winning)
So when my guy came to the gym early today, I knew something was up. He gave me "sad face" and barely audible when I asked if he was feeling alright. You know...the Academy Award for Best Dramatic Display goes to this year....Hunter Selkow.
It wasn't until his mom beat feet for her workplace that I got him to lighten up and engage in my reindeer games.
Now here's the Knock out. I am keeping him out of school today. He's tired from two very hard fought hockey games, lacrosse practice, an impromptu dinner party on Friday night (late) and lousy dreary weather. Should I keep him from going to hockey practice tonight?
Well...as a Dad of my nature, No freak'n way. Let's play hockey after we take a nap and goof off the afternoon. We'll pick up that school work tomorrow and not only be ok, we'll probably be ahead of that curve too.
Geesh! Every now and again it feels good to be a Rebel!
Dead lift:
Pull off two inch mats.
Work up to a heavy three reps, but leave something in the tank.
Rest for three minutes
Pull ONE more.
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x290 using the mastodon bar. (58%)
Rep Squat: 5x5x275 to a parallel box and the same mastodon bar.