Doing hip extensions from the floor or from the side of a bench regularly stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips.

It strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings.

It improves the circulation of blood.

AND...It alleviates stress and mild depression.

Now add a band around your knees to abduct them while performing the hip extensions and you have one "fine ass" exercise that does so much more.

Today's Training:

Run: 3 miles*

Cycle: Commute*


  1. Blast Strap Row:
  2. Pushups:
  3. Fat Grip Dead Hang
  4. Front Plank

Squat: 6 RM w/ SSB Yoke Bar

Hip Extension with Banded Knee Abduction: 4x25

Bulgarian Split Squat: 4x25xBW

GHR: 4x10

Reverse Hyper with a pause at the peak of contraction: 4x10

Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12

Cycle: Commute*